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UC Berkeley

Los Angeles

Mayor's Office

About Me

Who am I, anyway?

I truly believe that great design can make a better world for everyone, especially those less fortunate.

I also really, really like Star Trek; it's the most aspirational view into the future of humanity I've ever seen. The UX of how the voice input operates for the ship's computer needs a little work, however...


Los Angeles, and open to (and able to) relocating to other cities/countries




UX Research and Design

The client wanted to discover why city employees weren’t turning in their worker’s compensation forms in a timely manner or complete fashion.

UC Berkeley Precision Urban Agriculture Initiative

The client wanted to allow greater access to fresh, healthy food options for the food insecure.


The client wanted to understand why Instagram was the primary source of contact with customers despite their website having far more information.

Los Angeles Mayor's Office

UC Berkeley


My UX Superpowers

Understanding Business Goals


Problem Discovery


I take time to talk to people as human beings and not data points. This leads to richer qualitative data.

Clients get so caught up on getting started on solutions that they forget to validate the problem. I will dig deep into the user's needs and pain points to make sure the team is aligned in solving the right problem



I excel in researching in both the discovery phase and the testing phase. I can employ over 20 different methods including: ethnographic field study, clickstream analysis, multivariate testing, eye tracking, surveys, interviews and more.

I understand the importance of creating solutions not just to solve user's problems, but to do so in a way that meets KPIs.
